Cllr Geoff Seeff
Cllr Dr Geoffrey Seeff, or Geoff as he prefers to be called, is a Chartered Accountant/management consultant with a doctorate in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
For most of a long professional career, which included a secondment to CLG serving as Head of Grants Appraisal and a period as Deputy Chairman of the Finance and Management Faculty of the ICAEW, he specialised in the economics of urban regeneration and has advised UK and overseas government agencies, local authorities, private sector developers and funders and has helped deliver many successful major projects.
Geoff was one of the founder convenors of the SDP and has been a passionate and active member of the Liberal Democrats, participating in several national policy working groups and standing, albeit unsuccessfully, as a parliamentary candidate in every general election, except the last, since 1997. He was elected as the County Councillor for St Neots Eatons Division in a by-election in February 2023 since which time, apart from taking up the concerns of residents and participating in the Council’s proceedings, he sits on the Adults and Health Committee, the Communities, Social Mobility and Inclusion Committee and, given his background, the Audit and Accounts Committee.
He recently brought a motion to full Council requiring the provision of written information on allergens contained in the ingredients of foods served in restaurants and other outlets and which was passed without dissent.
Geoff is married to Deanna, a psychotherapist, and they have two daughters and four grandchildren, which occupies a major part of their lives. Geoff tries to keep fit and swims regularly. He is also a very enthusiastic if less than virtuoso jazz violinist and saxophonist and, on the few occasions he is able to break away from his various commitments, he can be found jamming away with like-minded souls at one of several Cambridge watering holes.