Cllr Sarah Conboy
Executive Leader of Huntingdonshire District Council
Sarah Conboy is a District Councillor for Godmanchester, Hemingford Abbotts and the Offords.
After a career in education as a primary teacher and head of a Moderate Learning Difficulties Department, Sarah led local and national programmes to recruit and retain teachers before working as a senior civil servant at the Department for Education. Sarah is the CEO of a small Cambridgeshire charity that supports parent carers whose children have special needs and disabilities.
She has been a District Councillor for over nine years and became the Executive Leader of the Huntingdonshire District Council in May 2022, when the Joint Administration was formed. She oversees the council’s strategic direction, ensures policy implementation, manages resources, and represents the Council in public and official matters. She collaborates with Council Members and staff to achieve community goals and improve services.
Sarah is passionate about joined-up services and the art of the possible.